And, here it comes, my first holographic nail polish. I`m in love with it! Just look at this pics, cuteness overload! As my experience about holo nail polishes is low, this review will be shorter then usual. I choosed to review #12 because I thing that this polish is the cutest in the BPS holo collection. Down below you`ll see video review of this product, which I got in order to write a honest review, from the site Born Pretty Store.
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Izvor/Source: http://bornprettystore.blogspot.com/2013/06/born-pretty-holographic-nail-polish.html |
U pitanju je holo lak zelene baze, ali čini mi se kao da poseduje i blagi tirkizni podton, pored standardnog holografskog (duginog) efekta. Deluje kao "začarana šuma" iz bajki, izuzetno mi se dopada efekat koji projektuje, naročito na suncu. Iznenadila me je pigmentacija laka, kao i lagana aplikacija, očekivala sam da lak bude redak pri nanošenju, međutim nije.
It`s a holo nail polish with the green color base, and it looks like it has a soft turquoise undertone, between the rainbow (holo) effect. This effect reminds me of "the magical forest" from the fairy tales, I really like the holographic effect, especially at the sunlight. I`ve been surprised by nail polish pigmentation - it`s very good & aplication is easy too (I thought it will be sheer, but it`s not).
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Sadrži 6 ml laka, za moje potrebe nešto manju četkicu, ali sasvim lepo raspoređuje lak duž nokta. U videu sam iskoristila dva zelena laka kao baze, kako bih ilustrovala da je ovaj holo isti i projektuje isti efekat bez obzira na to koje boje mu je baza. Takođe sam poredila veličinu ove bočice, sa veličinama bočica lakova Catrice (10 ml) i Essence (8 ml). Bez nadlaka, ali sa bazom, trajao je čak 5 dana i jako sam iznenađena.
It contains 6 ml of nail polish, small & tiny brush which is good during aplication. In the video down below I used two shades of green nail polish, to ilustrate how this polish produce pretty much the same effect no matter which color base is under holo. Also, there you`ll see a comparation of this polish bottle with two other sizes, Catrice (10 ml) & Essence (8 ml). It will last, without a topcoat, around 5 days, which is awesome.
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