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Showing posts with the label metalik

Classics Metallic #09

Danas za vas imam jedno, što se mene tiče, prijatno iznenađenje, dragulj iz Metallic kolekcije turske kompanije Classics, lak koji ni približno ne deluje privlačno u bočici koliko je, zapravo, lep na noktima. Today I have for you a pleasant surprise, a gem of Metallic collection by turkish company Classics, the varnish that doesn`t look nearly as attractive in a bottle how much was actually nice on my nails.

Astor #595 VIP Silver

Obožavam metalik lakove, naročito volim da ih nosim tokom zime, mada nisu posebno prijateljski nastrojeni prema tonu moje kože. Predstavljam vam Astor VIP Silver. I love metallic nail polishes, especially love to wear them during the winter, although they`re not particularly friendly to my skin tone.  I represent you Astor VIP Silver.

Golden Rose Color Expert #62

Srebrni lak je nešto zaista vredno pažnje i smatram da svaka devojka treba da ga ima u kolekciji, iako nije boja za svaki dan. Golden Rose Color Expert kolekcija je u svoje redove uvrstila i jedan metalik srebrni lak. Silver nail polish is something that is truly worht of attention and I think that every woman should have it in her collection, although it`s not a color for every day. Golden Rose Color Expert collection included in their ranks one metallic silver lacquer.