Topcoats which I commonly use are fast-drying, because the older I am I prefer when my manicure dries quickly. I have not tried much, or more precisely I tried just three of these fast drying top coats which I now present to you. The purpose of the fast-drying top coat is faster dry time of the manicure, and therefore they are suitable for application on dried or half-dried manicure. The main feature is drying after 60 seconds of application.
◢ Miss Sporty Turbo dry top coat 60 sec dry ◣
Ovaj nadlak je prepoznatljiv po boji, plavoj tinti koja se u vrlo maloj količini prenosi i na manikir. Zbog toga preporučujem da se ne nanosi na svetlije lakove, jer ih tonira. Pogodan je za tamnije lakove. Ovaj nadlak se zaista brzo suši, ali je pri samoj aplikaciji jako komplikovan. Ima plastificiranu i krtu četkicu koja neravnomerno raspoređuje nadlak duž nokta, pri čemu ostavlja štrafte koje se i nakon sušenja vide (posebno na fotografijama izbliza), iako uživo nisu previše istaknute.
Za dnevne, brze varijante je sasvim pristojan nadlak, ali ne očekujte čuda, jer se, nakon što pređete polovinu bočice kreće zgrušavati, postaje gušći, te ga je sve teže naneti ravnomerno. Sa druge strane, prilično je postojan.
Poseduje 8 ml, a cena mu je 180 rsd, u mojoj lokalnoj parfimeriji.
This topcoat is recognizable by color or blue ink, which should transmit in a very small amount on a manicure. Therefore, I recommend that you do not apply it over brighter nail polish shades, because it tones. It is suitable for darker polishes. This topcoat dries really quickly, but in the application itself is very complicated. It has a plastic and brittle brush, which unevenly distributes polish along the nails, and leaves stripes which you can see after drying (especially in close-up photos), but live they`re not too prominent.
For daily, fast variants is quite decent topcoat, but do not expect miracles, because, after you spent half of the bottle it becomes thick, and it is increasingly difficult to apply it evenly. On the other hand, it`s good lasting..
Contains 8 ml, and its price is 180 serbian dinars.
For daily, fast variants is quite decent topcoat, but do not expect miracles, because, after you spent half of the bottle it becomes thick, and it is increasingly difficult to apply it evenly. On the other hand, it`s good lasting..
Contains 8 ml, and its price is 180 serbian dinars.
◢ Golden Rose Quick dry top coat ◣
Golden Rose Quick dry ima široku, pljosnatu četkicu, što je pozitivna strana za bilo koji nadlak. Međutim, njegove glavne mane su povlačenje laka odnosno razmazivanje boje, a naročito njegova nepostojanost.
Za produžavanje postojanosti baznog laka/manikira neophodna su dva sloja ovog nadlaka. Takođe, ostavlja jedva vidljive štrafte nakon sušenja i nema istaknutu sjajnu završnicu kao druga dva brzosušeća nadlaka. Četkica je plastična, ali mnogo bolje raspoređuje lak u odnosu na Miss Sporty, iako je kvalitet četkice gotovo isti. Takođe, ne menja boju baznog laka kao što to čini MS. Formula mu je retka (vodenasta).
Sadrži 10 ml, a njegova cena je 170 rsd u mojoj lokalnoj parfimeriji.
Golden Rose Quick Dry top coat has a wide, flat brush, which is a positive side to any topcoat. However, it`s main flaws are easy color smearing, especially its volatility.
For long lasting of the base color/manicure it`s required to add two coats of top coat. It also leaves stripes after drying and it hasn`t shiny finish as the other two fast drying top coat. The brush is plastic, but much better for spreading nail polish compared to Miss Sporty, although the quality of brush is almost the same. Also, do not change the color of the base color as it does MS. Formula is thin (watery).
It contains 10 ml, and its price is 170 serbian dinars.
For long lasting of the base color/manicure it`s required to add two coats of top coat. It also leaves stripes after drying and it hasn`t shiny finish as the other two fast drying top coat. The brush is plastic, but much better for spreading nail polish compared to Miss Sporty, although the quality of brush is almost the same. Also, do not change the color of the base color as it does MS. Formula is thin (watery).
It contains 10 ml, and its price is 170 serbian dinars.
◢ Seche Vite Dry fast top coat ◣
Najpostojaniji brzosušeći nadlak koji sam probala. Izuzetno gusta formula, dovoljna je mala kapljica kako bi se obuhvatio ceo nokat. Daje izgled geliranih noktiju i jedan sloj je sasvim dovoljan. Jako je postojan, manikir sa njim traje i do pet dana, pa čak i ako za to vreme radite fizičke poslove kao što je pranje suđa. Četkica je klasična, ali odlično obavlja posao. Interesantno je da se ovaj nadlak suši nakon samo 40-ak sekundi, neverovatnom brzinom. Ipak, velika mana je nakon što dođete do sredine bočice, kreće da se grušava do te mere da postaje nemoguć za aplikaciju, javljaju se niti koje se razvlače po noktu tokom aplikacije, a četkica se potpuno ukrućuje. Moj savet je da ga ne štedite tokom korišćenja, jer je bolje da ga potrošite, nego da ga bacite.
Poseduje 14 ml, a cena mu je oko 550 dinara. Možete ga kupiti u svim prodavnicama njihovog uvoznika - Aleksandar kozmetike.
Steadiest fast drying top coat that I have ever tried. Extremely thick formula, only a small drop is enough to cover the whole nail. Gives the appearance of gel nails and one layer is sufficient. It is very long lasting, your manicure with him will last up to five days, even if you do jobs such as washing dishes. Brush is a classic, but it does the job perfectly. It is interesting that this topcoat dries in just 40 seconds, incredible fast. However, a major disadvantage is after you reach the middle of the bottle, it becomes extremely thick that it becomes impossible for the application, there are threads that are dragged around the nails during the application, and the brush is completely stiffen. My advice to you is do not save it during use, it is better to spend it than throw it away.
It has 14 ml, and the price is about 550 serbian dinars.
It has 14 ml, and the price is about 550 serbian dinars.
Da li ste probale neki od njih? Koji je vaš omiljeni brzosušeći nadlak?
Have you tried any of them? What is your favorite fast drying top coat?
Have you tried any of them? What is your favorite fast drying top coat?
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