Yes, this is my new nail shape which I already showed on my Instagram account about a month ago. I never had this nail shape before, until now & it`s great. Almond nail shape is kind of complicated in the process of making but once you finish it, it will make less damage to your nails due to longer maintenance. The process of making this shape is shown in the video down below, but tutorial is on serbian language only.
Redvolution sam kupila čim sam ga ugledala, jer ne posedujem ni jedan sličan koralac (obično su ili crveniji ili vuku i previše na narandžasto) - što je ujedno i njegov opis, dakle, zlatna sredina. Zbog toga mi je još u bočici delovao po mojoj meri. Sadrži 8 ml, a cena mu je 219 rsd, 1.89 eura (u mojoj lokalnoj parfimeriji, ali možete ih kupiti i u Lilly i Dm drogerijama). Lak je kremast i ne poseduje previše visok sjaj. Pokriva u jednom sloju, ali meni lično se više dopadaju dva. Suši se jako brzo. Sve fotografije dva sloja, bez nadlaka. *dizajn je takođe bez nanetog nadlaka. Crni lak upotrebljen za tačke je Golden Rose Rich color #35.
Redvolution is the nail polish which I bought as soon as I saw it, because I don`t have any coral nail polish similar to this (usualy they`re more red-ish or contains a lot of orange undertone) - this is one ``meet me halfway``, middle orange coral polish. Contains 8 ml, and price is 1.89 euros (in my local cosmetic store). Polish is cream and it`s not too shiny. One coat will be fine, but I prefer two of those. It dries really fast. All pics are two coats, without top coat. *design is without top coat too. Black nail polish used for making spots is Golden Rose Rich color #35
Redvolution is the nail polish which I bought as soon as I saw it, because I don`t have any coral nail polish similar to this (usualy they`re more red-ish or contains a lot of orange undertone) - this is one ``meet me halfway``, middle orange coral polish. Contains 8 ml, and price is 1.89 euros (in my local cosmetic store). Polish is cream and it`s not too shiny. One coat will be fine, but I prefer two of those. It dries really fast. All pics are two coats, without top coat. *design is without top coat too. Black nail polish used for making spots is Golden Rose Rich color #35
Redvolution Polka party!
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