A beautiful month, or should I say the best month ever since I`m blogging. A lot of shopping and cute gifts I got in last 30 days. One important info is that from now on I will capture a "new in" videos at the end of every month, while in the rest of the blog post you`ll be able to see my favorites and/or disappointments of the month, if there are any.
Ono što nisam detaljno prikazala u videu je to što sam dobila paket "Deina" lakova od distributera za Srbiju, tačnije svih 107 trenutno dostupnih nijansi, jer sam kao bloger napisala iskrenu recenziju Deina laka #84 u septembru prošle godine. U znak zahvalnosti dobila sam ceo paket lakova koji me je izuzetno iznenadio i dao podstrek da nastavim da se trudim i budem još bolja. Desetak dana pre toga, kupila sam dva Deina laka prikazana na fotografiji iznad. Catrice i Sally Hansen lakove sam dobavila putem internet prodaje, a Golden Rose Rich Color i 3D Glaze u lokalnim parfimerijama po ceni od 140 rsd. Dva Golden Rose nadlaka platila sam po 180 rsd, jedan je brzosušeći dok drugi daje efekat geliranih noktiju. Četiri Essence laka kupljena su u Lilly drogeriji po sniženoj ceni od 139 rsd. Takođe, novitetima se pridružila pošiljka sa sajta Born Pretty Store tj. vodene nalepnice koje sam osvojila u nagradnoj igri u februaru. O njima nekom drugom prilikom.
Something I skipped in the video was a huge gift that I`ve got from serbian distributor of turkish nail polishes called "Deina", I`ve got a package with all 107 shades currently available for shop/order. That was a gift, or better to say an act of gratitude after my sincerely wroten blog review of Deina nail enamel #84 in september last year. Couple days before this gift, I already bought two Deina nail polishes from the picture. Catrice and Sally Hansen nail polishes were bought online, and Golden Rose Rich color/3D Glaze/Quick dry top coat/Gel top coat were shopped in local cosmetic stores. Essence nail polishes were bought on the sale in drugstore. The part of this new in is a package that has arrived to me from the site Born Pretty Store / water decals, which I`ve got in BPS giveaway in february.
Izvor/Source |
I takmičenje na blogu se uspešno završilo, a pobednica Jana je svoju sreću podelila putem Instagrama. Inače, Jana je pokrenula svoj blog, pa ako ste zainteresovane za još lepih manikira, svratite na njen blog (klik!).
Favorit meseca je maslinovo ulje, heroj koji je uspešno spašavao moje zanoktice, jer prolećni polen je dosta uticao i utiče i dalje na moje ruke i nokte, te im je konstantno potrebna nega. Još uvek se borim sa suvoćom ruku, a posebno zanokticama, što se i vidi u poslednjih par videa na kanalu.
Nail art contest on my blog was successfull this month, and a winner of it, Jana, shared her happiness on her Instagram page. By the way, Jana joined our blogosphere, so check her out for more cute manicures (click!)
Favorite of the month is olive oil, the hero who recovered my hands and nails. I have a huge problem with cuticles and hands dryness these days, so I keep a 24 hours care routine. I still fight those problems.
Kolaž manikira - Mart 2014
March manicures
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Izvor/Source |
We wish you a beautiful spring days, me & my doberman Haas, enjoy!
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