Ovu nedelju uskladjenih manikira jednostavno nisam smela da propustim. Mnogo volim vintage stil i odlučila sam da za danas odradim jedan karirani manikir, u starinskom obliku, koji podseća na one šarene kockaste stolnjake koje su koristile naše bake. Nadam se da sam uspela u toj nameri da ih prenesem na nokte jer sam se zaista trudila. Nadlak je malo povukao lak, ali to uživo nije uočljivo. Na kraju sam ceo dizajn matirala. Uradila sam i video tutorijal.
Every sunday, Balkan beauty bloggers (click!) are matching their manicures. This week we voted for vintage style manicure, so this is my contribution. I adore vintage style, so I couldn`t wait for this day. My choice was recreation of a granny`s old colorful tablecloth. Hope I succeed. You can see that topcoat smudged a design a little bit, but it`s not visible live at all. At the end, I put a matte topcoat. I`ve also done a video tutorial.
Video tutorijal
Šta sam koristila
What I used

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Down below you can see other designs done by Balkan beauty bloggers!
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