Another article dedicated to Gabrini nail polishes. I stand by my opinion, I am not a fan of those polishes anymore at all, but I will agree that among them there are good exceptions (referring to the formula of nail polish). Gabrini nail polishes are not "my cup of tea" and that is the reason I sold them out online a while ago, but the ones I kept in my collection are deserving it. The price (here in Serbia) is 1 euro for this nail polish so this is one affordable yet effective manicure.
Tri laka koja sam danas upotrebila su doboljno pigmentovana, kremasta i ne stvaraju mehuriće, potpuna suprotnost u odnosu na druge lakove ovog proizvođača koje sam probala. Pri tom, boje su po mom ukusu i uživala sam u izradi ovog manikira. Kao i uvek, pripremila sam video tutorijal. Na fotografijama imam jedan sloj Miss Sporty Turbo dry 60 sec top coat.

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