I think the previous month was the most innovative and the richest since I started blogging. It all started with a gift from Sephora, and ended with a S-he Stylezone nail polish, which is sent to me by Vedrana (click!). Thank you! :*
Nakon promocije novogodišnje/praznične Sephora 2014 kolekcije, stigla su mi dva seta lakova, a detaljnu recenziju jednog od njih ste već imali priliku da vidite (ovde!). U pitanju je Ciate Big Beauty Bus set. Drugi set je Sephora Party Color Hit, čije ću lakove recenziratu pojedinačno.
After New Year's/holiday promotion of Sephora 2014 collection, two nail polish sets arrived to me, and detailed review of one of them you have already had the opportunity to see (here!). It is Ciate Big Beauty Bus set. The second set is Sephora Party Color Hit, which varnishes I`ll review individually.
Po svemu sudeći, ova lakoholičarska bomba pogodila me je pre praznika, što me dodatno usrećuje. Nakon Sephore, kontaktirao me je distributer Eveline kozmetike i tada su mi poslali lakove na testiranje, a prve utiske možete videti u videu ispod.
By all accounts, this "lacquerholic bomb" strucked me before the holidays, which makes me extra happy. After Sephora, I was contacted by a serbian distributor of Eveline Cosmetics and then they sent me nail polishes for testing. The first impressions you can see in the video below.
Viša sila želela je i dodatno da me časti, pa su ubrzo stigli i Classics lakovi na testiranje. Iako nikada nisam imala priliku da probam ove turske lakove, možete očekivati neke recenzije u skorijoj budućnosti. Svoje prve utiske iznela sam u videu ispod.
"Something in the force" wanted to further honor me, so soon after Classics nail polishes arrived to me for testing. Although I never had the chance to try these turkish brand, you can expect some reviews in the near future. My first impressions I have presented in the video below.
Lakova je bilo dosta, ali ne i propratne opreme. Tako su mi pristigle dve pošiljke sa sajta Born Pretty Store, a o njihovom sadržaju pričala sam u videu ispod.
Enough varnishes, but not the nail goodies. Thus, I received two shipments from the site Born Pretty Store, and about it I talked in the video below.
#NOVEMBAR na blogu
#NOVEMBER on my blog
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