Jedan od onih nejasnih naziva lakova, gde važi deviza "Google is your friend". Tate - u izgovoru Tejt, su javne umetničke galerije u Velikoj Britaniji (izvor). Danas predstavljam lak koji sam dobila na poklon od mojih dragih saradnica sa sajta Mogu ja to, Ivane i Jelene (klik!).
One of those confusing nail polish names, so I thought "Well, Google is my friend". Tate is an institution/national collection of art in Great Britain (source). Today I represent you this gift, which I got from my Mogu ja to contributors, Ivana & Jelena (click!).
Izvor/Source |
Što se tiče crvenih lakova, po tom pitanju sam jako komplikovana i do sada sam probala svega par lakova u toj boji. Razlog tome je što sam dosta probirljiva i nijansa crvene mora biti zaista lepa kako bi meni zapala za oko. Srećom, saradnice su potrefile moj ukus. Mature će uskoro biti u žiži interesovanja, a ovo je definitivno moj predlog ukoliko tražite kvalitetan i privlačan crveni ili bordo lak. Izuzetno pigmentovana krema sa diskretnom sjajnom završnicom. Četkica je srednje veličine, ali sasvim dovoljna da pomoću samo dva poteza pokrije nokatnu ploču. Jednoslojac je, ali drugim slojem se postiže boja u bočici. Na zvaničnom sajtu ovu nijansu opisuju kao klasičnu crvenu (klik!). Složila bih se sa tim, ali bih dodala da je pravi kameleon - prelazi sa crvene na bordo i obrnuto.
Nails Inc. su britanski lakovi, sadrže 10 ml, a kod nas su dostupni u Sephori po ceni od oko 1900 rsd (16.45 eura).
As for the red polish, the issue is very complicated and so far I've tried only a couple of nail polish in that color. The reason is that I`m complicated and specific by choosing the shade of red, it must be really nice to me to caught my eye. Fortunately, associates hitted my taste. Proms will soon be in the spotlight, and this is definitely my suggestion if you are looking for high quality and attractive red or dark red lacquer. Extremely pigmented cream with discrete marvelous finish. The brush is medium sized, but quite enough by just two strokes to cover the nail plate. Covers in one layer, but another layer is needed to achieve the color in the bottle. The official website describes this shade as a classic red. I would agree with that, but I would add that it is a true chameleon - changing from red to dark red, and vice versa.
Nails Inc. are British nail polishes, containing 10 ml, and available at Sephora *here in Serbia & cost around 1900 serbian dinars (16.45 euros).
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