Ovo je bio najtraženiji video ikada, a za samo snimanje, editovanje i postavljanje na kanal bilo mi je potrebno da izdvojim ceo dan. Nije mi bilo teško da to uradim za vas. U videu ispod imate priliku da izdvojite pola sata svog vremena i uživate u bojama koje me čine srećnom. Lakove sam prikazivala po nijansama, jer su mi tako svi raspoređeni osim Golden Rose Rich color lakova, jer im je bočica četvrtasta i specifična. Tačan broj lakova koje imam u kolekciji zaista ne znam, jer sam odavno prestala da se vodim računicom. Nadam se da će vam se svideti video, hvala unapred ukoliko odlučite da ga odgledate.
This was the most requested video ever, and recording, editing & uploading to my channel required the entire day. It was not difficult to do it for you. In the video below you have the opportunity to set aside half an hour of your time and enjoy the colors that make me happy. They`re sorted by shades, but spaced apart from Golden Rose Rich color nail polishes, because the bottle is square and specific. The exact number of polishes that I have in my collection I really don`t know, because I don`t run calculations anymore. I hope you will like the video, thanks in advance if you decide to watch it.
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