Ako me već duže vreme pratite znate da nisam ljubitelj narandžaste boje na noktima. Mislila sam da će takvo mišljenje opstati zauvek, međutim ova "oranžada" me je razuverila. Na prvi pogled mi se svideo, napravila sam izuzetak i kupila ga putem internet prodaje. Lak je iz limitirane kolekcije "Neonaturals".
If you follow me for a long time, you already know that I'm not a huge fan of orange color on my nails. I thought that this opinion will survive forever, but this "nail polish juice" has reassured me. I like it at first site, so I made an exception and bought it via internet sales. It`s nail polish from the limited collection "Neonaturals".
Drago mi je što me ovaj narandžasti lak nije razočarao, naprotiv. Najradije bih posedovala i ostatak ove kolekcije, jer je For Bright Guys jedan zaista prelep prolećni/letnji lak, i svima bih preporučila da nabave neku sličnu nijansu u narednom periodu. Aplikacija je savršena, što delom omogućava i odlična četkica, a sam lak se suši vrlo brzo. Pokriva u jednom sloju, međutim boja je intenzivnija nakon drugog sloja. Nažalost, nisam uspela da putem fotografija prenesem taj "neon momenat" koji lak reflektuje. Neon narandžasti podton se naročito ističe na otvorenoj dnevnoj svetlosti, tako da me u tim momentima podseća na sok od pomorandže. Posebno je interesantna završnica - nešto između gume i kreme, mada više vuče na kremu. Do sada se nisam susretala sa ovakvom završnicom, moram priznati da je interesantna. Lak nema visok sjaj, ali isti mu nije preko potreban, kao ni nadlak. Sve fotografije, dva sloja laka bez nadlaka.
If you follow me for a long time, you already know that I'm not a huge fan of orange color on my nails. I thought that this opinion will survive forever, but this "nail polish juice" has reassured me. I like it at first site, so I made an exception and bought it via internet sales. It`s nail polish from the limited collection "Neonaturals".
Cela kolekcija Catrice "NEONaturals" 2012/2013 / Full Catrice "NEONaturals" collection 2012/2013
S leva na desno / From left to the right - 01 Little Miss Sunshine, 02 For Bright Guys, 03 Mr. Brightsight, 04 Mrs. Brightsight, 05 Bright, Brighter & Brightest, 06 On The Bright Side Of Life (izvor/source) |
Promotivni video / Video promotion
Catrice 02 For Bright Guys (Izvor/Source) |
I`m glad that this orange nail polish has not disappointed me, however, on the contrary. I wish I own the rest of this collection, as Bright For Guys is a really beautiful spring/summer polish, and I would recommend anyone to purchase a similar shade in the future. The application is perfect, as part allows excellent brush, and the it dries very quickly. It covers in one coat, but the color is more intense after the second layer. Unfortunately, I was not able to catch on pictures that neon effect which this nail polish produce. Neon orange undertone in particular stands out in open daylight, so to me in those moments reminiscent of orange juice. Particularly, the most interesting thing is the finish - something between the rubber and cream, though more traction in the cream. So far I haven`t encountered with this finale, I have to admit that is very interesting. This is no high gloss lacquer, but it`s not much needed, neither top coat. All photos, two coats of nail polish without top coat.
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