I will be utterly frank, the technique of decorating nails sticking stickers all over the nail is not my taste, so I had a really strange feeling when I was checking out these Sephora nail wraps.
Nalepnice sam dobila od saradnica sa sajta Mogu ja to sama (klik!). U video tutorijalu ispod možete videti detaljnije kako nalepnice izgledaju, koliko ih ima u pakovanju, kao i način aplikacije. Moram priznati da sam se namučila kako bi nalepnice lepo izgledale. Iz tog razloga smatram da je, paradoksalno, mnogo lakše ukoliko same sebi ukrasite nokte nego da lepite nalepnice. Naravno, to je moje lično mišljenje i ne znači da imam loše mišljenje što se tiče njihovog kvaliteta. Procenjeno je da ovakav manikir može trajati i do nedelju dana, mada sam ga ja nosila tri dana bez ikakvih oštećenja.
Preporučila bih da nakon lepljenja na njih ne nanosite nadlak, jer će se sušiti doveka, a to kažem iz iskustva. Na fotografijama imam jedan sloj Golden Rose Gel look nadlak.
Možete ih kupiti u Sephora parfimerijaama (Ušće shopping center i Delta city) po ceni od 950 rsd.
These stickers I received from an associate from the site Mogu ja to sama.com (click!). In the video tutorial down below you can see more details how wraps look like, how many of them are in the package, and the way of application. I must admit that I struggled to make wraps look nice on the nails. For this reason I think it is, paradoxically, much easier if you decorate the nails yourself than to apply these stickers. Of course, this is my personal opinion and does not mean that I have a bad opinion with regard to their quality. It is estimated that this manicure can last up to a week, though I was wearing three days without any damage.
I would recommend that after applying them do not apply the top coat, because it will dry forever, and I say this from my experience.
I would recommend that after applying them do not apply the top coat, because it will dry forever, and I say this from my experience.
On the photographs I have one coat of Golden Rose Gel look top coat.
Here In Serbia you can buy these nail wraps at Sephora perfumeries (Usce shopping center and Delta city) and they cost 950 serbian dinars.
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Obrada fotografije/Photoshopped by: Milica Puhača (I TAČKA design studio), https://www.facebook.com/ITackaDesignStudio |
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