I love green nail polishes in this so-called "school board" color. Therefore, I liked Roller coaster at the first site.

Kao što sam već rekla, ovo je jedna boja školske table sa vrlo sitnim tirkiznim i svetlo zelenim šimerom, zbog čega deluje još u bočici da ima smaragdno zeleni podton, iako ga na noktima nema. Taj podton se nazire tek na suncu.
Vrlo je gust, pokriva u jednom sloju i u samo dva poteza, a suši se prosečnom brzinom. Preporučila bih da se nanose tanji slojevi zbog same gustine laka, jer pretpostavljam da bi se nakon debljih slojeva pojavili mehurići ili neke druge nepravilnosti. Pigmentacija je savršena i vrlo lagano se nanosi. Drugi sloj je zaista nepotreban, ali na fotografijama imam dva. U pitanju je krema, i ima prigušenu lepu završnicu bez visokog sjaja.
Essence lakovi poseduju 8 ml laka i široku četkicu srednje veličine. Možete ih kupiti u Lilly i DM drogerijama po ceni od 219 rsd.
As I already said, this is one "school board" color with very fine turquoise and bright green shimmer, which in a bottle looks like it has emerald green undertone, although it hasn`t. The undertone is discernible only on the sunlight. It is very thick, a nail is covered in a single layer / by two moves, and it dries is average speed. I would recommend to apply thin layers due to the density of polish, because I guess that thick layering would produce bubbles or other irregularities. Pigmentation is perfect and polish is very easy to apply. The second layer is really unnecessary, but on the photographs I have two. It`s creamy, and it has a muffled nice finish without the high gloss.
Essence nail polishes have 8 ml of nail polish and a medium-sized flat brush. Here in serbian drugstores it cost 219 serbian dinars.

Essence lakovi poseduju 8 ml laka i široku četkicu srednje veličine. Možete ih kupiti u Lilly i DM drogerijama po ceni od 219 rsd.
As I already said, this is one "school board" color with very fine turquoise and bright green shimmer, which in a bottle looks like it has emerald green undertone, although it hasn`t. The undertone is discernible only on the sunlight. It is very thick, a nail is covered in a single layer / by two moves, and it dries is average speed. I would recommend to apply thin layers due to the density of polish, because I guess that thick layering would produce bubbles or other irregularities. Pigmentation is perfect and polish is very easy to apply. The second layer is really unnecessary, but on the photographs I have two. It`s creamy, and it has a muffled nice finish without the high gloss.
Essence nail polishes have 8 ml of nail polish and a medium-sized flat brush. Here in serbian drugstores it cost 219 serbian dinars.

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