Stickers that I represent to you I received as a gift from the contributors from the site Mogu ja to sama (click!). Although I have already used them, bad weather has prevented me from making good photograps so now I`m bringing you a review.
Na ovom manikiru jedino je kosturska glava deo seta Sephora "Tattoo studio" stikera, ali ovog puta pišem o utiscima prethodnog korišćenja. Do sada nisam imala priliku da isprobam ovako kvalitetne stikere. Razlikuju se od drugih po tome što su dodatno plastificirani, pa se samim tim vrlo teško skidaju skidačem laka/acetonom, a to dovoljno govori o njihovom kvalitetu. Prilično su zadebljani, čvrsti i savšeno lagani za aplikaciju (ne savijaju se). Zaista sam oduševljena, imate moje iskrene preporuke.
Cenu, nažalost, ne znam, ali možete ih potražiti u svim Sephora parfimerijama.
On this manicure I`ve used only skull head from the set of stickers Sephora Tattoo studio, but this time I'm writing about my impressions of previous use. So far I have not had a chance to try high quality stickers like this one. Differ from others in that they are further plasticized, and therefore it`s very difficult to remove them with varnish remover/acetone which speaks a lot about their quality. They are quite thick, strong, lightweight and perfect for application (do not twist). I'm really impressed, you have my sincere recommendations.
Unfortunately, I don`t know the cost, but you can look for them in all Sephora perfumeries.
Unfortunately, I don`t know the cost, but you can look for them in all Sephora perfumeries.

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