Glavna odlika ovog laka je njegova završnica, koja podseća na gelirane nokte ili na trenutno aktuelne gel lakove koji se suše bez upotrebe UV lampe. Poseduje 8 ml i dupli čep. Četkica je klasična, ali raspoređuje lepo lak duž nokta u samo tri poteza. Pokriva u jednom sloju, ali suši se nešto duže pa treba praviti manju pauzu između nanošenja dva sloja. Bez obzira na to što preferiram krem završnicu umesto gel, ovaj lak je perfektan. Ima izuzetno neobičan završni sjaj, poput 3D efekta. Ne znam da li je to proizvođaču bila namera, ali dopada mi se. Lak sam dobila na poklon od saradnica sa sajta Mogu ja to sama (klik!).
Na fotografijama imam dva sloja laka i jedan sloj Seche Vite brzosušećeg nadlaka. Sve su zabeležene na dnevnom svetlu.
Nails Inc. lakove možete kupiti u Sephora parfimerijama (Ušće shopping center i Delta city) po ceni od oko 1900 rsd.
Izvor/Source |
The main feature of this nail polish is its finish, which reminds of gelled nails or current popular gel lacquer which dries without the use of UV lamps. Contains 8 ml and a double cork. The brush is classic, but it distributes nail polish nicely along the nail in just three strokes. It covers in one coat, but dried out a bit longer so you should make a small pause between applying two coats. Although I prefer cream finish instead of gel, this polish is perfection. It has a very unusual finishing touches, such as the 3D effect. I do not know whether it was the intention of the manufacturer, but I like it.
On the photographs I have two coats of polish and one coat of Seche Vite fast drying top coat. All were recorded in daylight. I got this polish from contributors from the site Mogu ja to sama (click!).
Nails Inc. polishes, here in Serbia, can be purchased at Sephora perfumeries (Ušće shopping center and Delta city) and costs about 1900 serbian dinars.

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