During the summer, I did a design to my friend who traveled to Kusadasi next day and wanted some occasional manicure. It was an opportunity to try out sailor water decals from the website Born Pretty Store.
Nail Art Water Decals Transfers Sticker Compass Chain Anchor Pattern K069 (Izvor/Source) |
Ove vodene nalepnice su dvostruko šifrovane, kao i sve ostale koje sam dobila sa sajta. Dok se na mojim nalepnicama nalazi šifra BPS013, na sajtu su označene kao K069. Ne znam koji je razlog toga. Moje lično mišljenje je da su ovo estetski do sada najbolje odrađene vodene nalepnice koje imaju veliku manu, iako ona nije vidljiva. Reč je o tome da odgovaraju samo svetlim podlogama tj. da se postavljene na teget plavu podlogu ove nalepnice uopšte ne vide već se potpuno utapaju u pozadinu. Zbog toga sam ih u ovom tutorijalu iskoristila samo na žutoj pozadini, zbog čega nisam bila posebno srećna, ali ona je bila zadovoljna. Što se tiče ostalih utisaka, imam samo reči hvale što se tiče kako ovih, tako i svih drugih vodenih nalepnica sa tog sajta. Da li se vama dopada? Ukoliko želite da ih naručite, to možete učiniti ovde (klik!) i iskoristiti moj kupon kod za 10% popusta na porudžbinu: DVSX31.
These water decals are double coded, as well as all others that I got from the site. While on my package is code BPS013, on the site is code K069. I do not know the reason why. My personal opinion is that by aesthetic these are the best water decals but they have a major drawback, although it is not visible. The fact is that they fit only on bright surfaces ie. to be placed on the navy blue background makes decal unvisible, it completely blends into the background. Therefore, I used them in this tutorial only on a yellow background, which is why I was not particularly happy, but she was pleased. As for the other impressions, I must say that I love them as much as the other decals from that site. Did you like it? If you want to order them, you can do that by clicking this link (click!) and be sure to use my 10% off coupon code before you order: DVSX31.
Born Pretty Store (klik!) je online prodavnica, gde vrlo povoljno možete pronaći razne sitnice za ukrašavanje noktiju. Naručivanje se vrši putem PayPal računa, a dostava je besplatna širom sveta. Roba se šalje brodom iz Kine i stiže vam na kućnu adresu nakon 20 do 25 radnih dana, u zavisnosti u kom delu Evrope živite. Iskoristite moj kupon kod za 10% popusta na bilo koju porudžbinu sa tog sajta: DVSX31. Kod ukucajte prilikom porudžbine na mesto predviđeno za unošenje kupon koda.
Born Pretty Store (click!) is an online store where you can find very affordable thing for decorating your nails. Ordering can be done via PayPal account, and delivery (shipping) is free worldwide. They send goods by boat from China and arrive at your home address within 20 to 25 working days, depending on which part of Europe you live. Take my coupon code for 10% off any order from that site: DVSX31. Before you order, enter code in space provided to enter a coupon code.
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