Ljubičasti period je, nadam se, iza mene. Ne bi valjalo da mi dosadi jedna od omiljenih boja. Danas za vas imam ulov sa sajta Moje krpice.rs, iz Essence kolekcije koja, nažalost, više nije dostupna u prodaji, ali putem interneta sigurno možete doći do svog primerka.
Violet period is, hopefully, behind me. It wouldn`t be nice if I get bored of one of my favorite colors. Today, I've got for you a catch from the site My krpice.rs, from the Essence collection which, unfortunately, is not available anymore, but on the Internet you can surely reach your copy.
Unapred se izvinjavam ukoliko vam smeta količina ulja za zanoktice na fotografijama, bile su problematične. Show your feet je vrlo interesantna Essence kolekcija, bogata prolećnim i letnjim nijansama, od žute, preko pink, do plave i ljubičaste - izbor za svakog.
Miss Lavender sam odabrala iz prostog razloga što nemam lak u boji lavande, iako tu nijansu zaista volim. Kao prvenac, pokazao se izuzetno dobro. Pigmentovanost ovog laka nije savršena, ali je dobra. Ipak, nije mi najjasnije zašto i pored dobre četkice ostavlja prozirna mesta nakon prvog sloja. Drugi sloj je neophodan, što zbog prozirnosti, što zbog intenzivnosti boje.
U pitanju je krema sa staklastim sjajem tj. porculanskom završnicom. Takva završnica čini ovu nijansu laka savršenim, jer me je podsetio na one starinske porculanske ukrase. Suši se prosečnom brzinom, ali izuzetno je postojan, na mojim noktima je izdržao više od četiri dana.
Fotografije, dva sloja laka bez nadlaka, direktna dnevna svetlost.
I apologize if you dislike the amount of cuticle oil on photographs, my cuticles were problematic. Show your feet is very interesting Essence collection, rich by spring and summer shades, from yellow, to pink, to blue and violet - the choice for everyone.
The reason I`ve chose Miss Lavender is because I don`t have a polish in lavender color, although I really love this shade. As a debut, proved to be very good. Pigmentation of this polish is not perfect, but it`s good. However, it's not clear why, despite good brush, polish is roof after the first layer. The second layer is necessary, because of the transparency and because of the intensity of color.
It is cream with a glassy or porcelain finish. This finish makes this shade perfect, because it reminded me of those old-fashioned porcelain ornaments. It dries in average speed, but is extremely durable, for my fingernails has served more than four days.
Photos, two coats of varnish without topcoat, direct daylight.
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