Ovaj mesec bila sam i previše zauzeta fakultetom da bih se posvetila blogovanju u potpunosti. Srećom, čekali su vas unapred pripremljeni postovi, koje sam ja u periodu krajem jula i avgusta jednim klikom objavljivala. Hvala blogeru na patentiranoj opciji da se čuvaju iskuckani članci.
This month, I was too occupied with faculty so I wasn`t dedicated to blogging as I usually am. Fortinately, a lot of pre-prepared posts has waited for you, so in period of late july & august I published posts in just one-click. Thanks to blogger on patented option to keep drafts.
As the rules of "faculty workload" require, in the video with august new in I recorded Flormar nail enamel #424, which was actually the June newbie (!?), and, also, I left out the two polishes that I got from a summer vacation from Turkey. Yes, I was so burdened and oblivious, but king of cute to myself. Anyway, surely you can see photos of the (real) new in below.
China Glaze White on white već duže vreme želela sam da probam, a onda mi se ukazala prilika da ga kupim na prodajnom mestu Alexandar kozmetike u centru Novog Sada (u blizini katedrale, odmah pored Lilly drogerije). Jedva čekam da ga testiram. Cenu, na veliku žalost, nisam zapamtila, pa bih zamolila ako neko iz NS pročita ovo, da prokomentariše ispod članka, bila bih zahvalna.
U Lilly drogerijama pojavili su se novi lakovi Sixteen cosmetics, po ceni od 230 rsd, a moj izbor bio je pastelno zeleni lak #475, čija recenzija sledi uskoro.
NOTE nail enamel su turski lakovi, koje sam dobila na poklon iz Turske. Boje su fantastične i čekam prve jesenje dane kako bi ih testirala. Svetliji je #15 Caramel, a tamniji #21 Berry Chocolate
Sally Hansen #640 Plum Luck dugo je bio usamljen u mojim omiljenim predmetima sa sajtu Moje krpice.rs. Nisam ni sanjala da će ga kupiti upravo moja sestra, a onda me je obradovala sa njim za rođendan.
Stigle su mi prve pločice za pečatiranje sa sajta Born Pretty Store.com, jer od ovog meseca, pored bloga, sarađujem sa njima i preko YouTube kanala, pa ću verovatno češće dobijati stvarčice za recenziju. Isprobaću ih vrlo uskoro.
Poslednje tri stvari kupila sam kod lokalnih Kineza, vrlo povoljno. Kutija sa pregradama mi je bila preko potrebna za odlaganje cirkona i ostalih sitnica, pa me je obradovalo kad sam je ugledala. Košta 150 rsd, dok je dublja kutija sa malo više pregrada bila 250 rsd. Drveni štapići za potiskivanje zanoktica (kod inostranih blogerki poznatiji kao orange sticks for cuticles), vrlo praktični za održavanje zanoktica. Na kraju, nisam mogla da obiđem ove šljoke, jer imam u planu neko mućkanje mog prvog topera, ali ne znam tačno kada ću to učiniti. Cena celog pakovanja je 150 rsd.
I wanted to try China Glaze White on white for a long time and then I got the opportunity to buy it. I can not wait to test it.
In drugstores have emerged new varnish line named Sixteen cosmetics, priced 230 serbian dinars, and my choice was pastel green polish # 475, which follows the review soon.
NOTE nail enamel are Turkish varnishes, which I got as a gift from Turkey. The colors are fantastic and can not wait the first autumn days to get them tested. Brighter is # 15 Caramel, a darker # 21 Berry Chocolate.
Sally Hansen # 640 Plum Luck has long been lonely in my favorite items on the site My krpice.rs. I never dreamed that my sister would buy it, and then I was extremely happy when she gifted to me on my birthday.
First stamping plates has arrived to me from Born Pretty Store.com site, because from now on, between the blog, I`ll cooperate with them through my YouTube channel, so I'm more likely to get things for review. I`ll try them very soon.
The last three things I bought at the local Chinese store, very cheap. A box with compartments I was much needed for the rhinestones and other bits and pieces, so I was pleased when I saw it. It costs 150 serbian dinars, while the deeper box with a little more compartments was 250 serbian dinars. Wooden sticks for pushing cuticles (with foreign blogger known as orange sticks for cuticles), very handy for maintaining the cuticle. In the end, I could not skip this glitter package, because I plan to shae my first topper, but I do not know when I'll do it. Price of the whole package is 150 serbian dinars.
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Avgust na blogu / August on blog
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