Ovo parče starinskog zlata dobila sam za Dan zaljubljenih ove godine. Ne znam ni sama zašto ga do sada nisam probala. Verovatno jer nisam bila raspoložena za ovu nijansu - koju inače jako volim, mada retko nosim.
This piece of antique gold I got for Valentine`s Day, this year. I don`t know why I haven`t tried it yet. Probably because I wasn`t in the mood for this shade - which is, by the way, loved but rarely worn by me.
Najveća mana laka je što ostavlja tragove kuda je prolazila četkica, jer poseduje veliku količinu štrasa. Međutim, lak je više sedefast u bočici nego na noktima, što mene iskreno raduje jer ne volim sedefaste lakove.
Crazy fancy love je klasična boja starog zlata, pravi aristokratski lak sa diskretnim bakarnim odsjajem u senci, ali i ružičastim podtonom, koji čini da na momente lak daje sjaj ružičastog zlata. Zapravo, u pitanju je duohrom lak. Nešto je ređi, ali nanosi se ujednačeno. Prvi sloj uspeva da pokrije nokat, ali meni je to prosto nedovoljno. Ovakve nijanse najčešće nanosim u tri vrlo tanka sloja, kako bih zadovoljila svoje estetske apetite. Tako je bilo i ovaj put. Završnica je folijasta. Suši se brzo ako nanosite tanke slojeve. Lak ne pristaje uz moj ten, ali uspeva da koketira sa njim zahvaljujući ružičastom momentu.
Kao i svi Essence lakovi, poseduje 8 ml i široku četkicu. Možete ih kupiti u Lilly i DM drogerijama po ceni od 219 rsd. Sve fotografije, direktna dnevna svetlost, tri tanka sloja laka bez nadlaka.
The biggest fail of this nail polish is that he leaves traces where the brush passed, because it has a large amount of shimmer. However, polish is more pearly in the bottle than on the nails, which I very much look forward because I do not like pearl-y lacquers.
Crazy fancy love is the classic color of old gold, a true aristocratic varnish with discrete copper glow in the shade, and a pink undertone, which makes the moments lacquer adds shine of a pink gold. In fact, it`s duohrome nail polish. It`s thick, but is applied uniformly. The first layer manages to cover the nail, but to me it is simply not enough. These shades usually I need to apply in three very thin layers, in order to satisfy my aesthetic appetites. That was the case this time. The finish is like foil. It dries quickly if you apply a thin layers. Polish does not fit with my complexion, but manages to flirt with him through the pink moment.
Like all Essence varnishes, has 8 ml and a flat brush. All photos, direct sunlight, three thin coats of varnish without top coat.
Crazy fancy love is the classic color of old gold, a true aristocratic varnish with discrete copper glow in the shade, and a pink undertone, which makes the moments lacquer adds shine of a pink gold. In fact, it`s duohrome nail polish. It`s thick, but is applied uniformly. The first layer manages to cover the nail, but to me it is simply not enough. These shades usually I need to apply in three very thin layers, in order to satisfy my aesthetic appetites. That was the case this time. The finish is like foil. It dries quickly if you apply a thin layers. Polish does not fit with my complexion, but manages to flirt with him through the pink moment.
Like all Essence varnishes, has 8 ml and a flat brush. All photos, direct sunlight, three thin coats of varnish without top coat.
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