Detaljnije možete videti kako proizvodi izgledaju u videu koji sam pripremila za vas, a sada sledi kratka priča o njima.
As you can see, these newbies are related to the two months which are behind us, and in september I skipped this kind of post simple because I didn`t have enough quantity of innovations in order to devote full article. Today I write about new in, which came into my possession last two months.
You can see how the products look like in the video that I have prepared for you, and what follows is a short story about them.
U septembru sam kupila svoja prva dva Golden Rose Color Expert laka, i odabrala sam dve neobične boje koje ne posedujem u kolekciji, što se naročito odnosi na ljubičastu nijansu. Jedan od njih sam već recenzirala (ovde).
U Lilly drogeriji na Galenici u moju šoping korpu ušunjao se Rimmel Lycra Pro - Punk Rock iz Kate Moss kolekcije koji je tada bio na sniženju, a njegovu recenziju ste mogle pročitati (ovde).
Poslednji septembarski novitet je proizvod za negu noktiju Miss Sporty 5in1 Care Action, moji utisci su za sada i više nego pozitivni.
Oktobar je počeo sa mojim već standardnim svraćanjem u lokalnu kinesku prodavnicu u kojoj kupujem ukrase za nokte, gde sam kupila kratku i tanku konusnu četkicu za crtanje detalja, trakice za nokte, a tamo su mi se dopali i zanimljivi crveni, beli i plavi gliteri koji su istovremeno izmiksovani sa belim i crnim gliterom, što će biti zanimljivo za neki patriotski manikir.
Usledela je kupovina tri Catrice laka sa sajta Moje krpice.rs od više puta proverenog prodavca Andrijane, koju od srca preporučujem (klik!), a to su #740 King Of Greens, #720 Bruno Brownani i #280 London`s Weather Forecast.
Onda me je moja jača polovina sa poslovnog puta iz Španije obradovala sa dva Kiko laka, a kao da me je pitao koje sam želela, #330 Lilac i #344 Light Misty Green.
I, za kraj meseca, Marko iz Sephore me je obradovao divnom pošiljkom koja je sadržala Ciaté Caviar Manicure Luxe set, kao i Andrea Fulerton ukrase za nokte, jedva čekam da ih sve testiram.
In september, I bought my first two Golden Rose Color Expert nail polishes, and I chose two unusual colors which I do not possess in my collection, which is especially true for purple one. One of them I've already reviewed (here).
In my shopping chart there was Rimmel Lycra Pro - Punk Rock from the Kate Moss collection which was then on sale, and the review you could read (here).
In my shopping chart there was Rimmel Lycra Pro - Punk Rock from the Kate Moss collection which was then on sale, and the review you could read (here).
Last september's newbie is a product for nail care Miss Sporty 5in1 Care Action, my impressions are far more than positive.
October began with my standard tour to a local Chinese store where I bought decorations for nails, a short detail brush, nail art tape, and there I liked red, white and blue glitter which is premixed with white and black glitter, that will be interesting to use for some patriotic manicure.
Then I bought three Catrice nail polishes from local site, # 740 King Of Greens, # 720 Bruno Brownani and # 280 London`s Weather Forecast.
Then my stronger half from a business trip to Spain rejoiced me with two Kiko nail polishes, all by my taste # 330 and # 344 Lilac Light Misty Green.
And, for the end of the month Marko from Sephora wonderfully surprised me with package containing the Ciaté Caviar Luxe Manicure set, as well as Andrea Fullerton nail decorations, can not wait to test them all.
Septembar i oktobar na blogu
September and october on blog
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