I really love midi rings, but I have not had a chance to find some on sale that will be my taste, until the moment when I saw this set online - Born Pretty Store (click!). Also, these rings are currently a big trend and as every trendy fashion - dictates more than a high price, at least that`s always the case here in Serbia. On the other hand, the above mentioned website set of 7 rings cost about $2, which is very convenient.
Prsten koji imam na malom prstu je vrlo uzak, mogu ga nositi samo na tom prstu i meni je taman (uzmite u obzir da imam vrlo tanke prste). Dva prstena sa srcima su mi taman na domalom prstu, a prstenje sa lobanjama su mi po meri na srednjem prstu i kažiprstu. Sedmi prsten, klasičan, mi je takođe taman na srednjem prstu.
I did a video review to give you better view on their appearance and size. Rings have a diameter of 13-14 mm, where only a ring with a ribbon spread about 17mm, and it can be worn as a standard ring. Ring that I have on my pinky is very narrow, it can be worn only on that finger & it fits me (note: I have very thin fingers). Two rings with hearts fit me on my ring finger, and rings with skulls fit my middle finger and index finger. The seventh ring, a classic shaped ring, fits my middle finger.
Materijal od kojih je napravljeno prstenje je legura, zlatne boje. Ne mogu reći da su detalji odrađeni savršeno, jer nisu. Bilo mi je potrebno par minuta da shvatim da su u pitanju lobanje. No, u ovom slučaju nisam rob detalja, tako da mi dizajn nije presudan (bitnije mi je bilo da prstenje pristaje mojim prstima). Sve u svemu, jedina mana koju bih izdvojila je da je prstenje preusko. Meni nije, ali nekome sa debljim prstima svakako bi bilo. Moja ocena: 4.5 / 5
The material from which the rings are made is alloy in gold color. I can not tell you that details on the rings are done perfectly, because they are not. It took me a few minutes to figure out the skulls. But in this case I'm not a slave of details (important to me was that the rings fit my fingers). All in all, the only drawback that I would set aside is narrowness of the rings. Not to me, but someone with thicker fingers certainly would be. My rating: 4.5 / 5

Veštačko svetlo / Artificial light
Born Pretty Store (klik!) je online prodavnica, gde vrlo povoljno možete pronaći razne sitnice za ukrašavanje noktiju. Naručivanje se vrši putem PayPal računa, a dostava je besplatna širom sveta. Roba se šalje brodom iz Kine i stiže vam na kućnu adresu nakon 20 do 25 radnih dana, u zavisnosti u kom delu Evrope živite. Iskoristite moj kupon kod za 10% popusta na bilo koju porudžbinu sa tog sajta: DVSX31. Kod ukucajte prilikom porudžbine na mesto predviđeno za unošenje kupon koda.
Born Pretty Store (click!) is an online store where you can find very affordable thing for decorating your nails. Ordering can be done via PayPal account, and delivery (shipping) is free worldwide. They send goods by boat from China and arrive at your home address within 20 to 25 working days, depending on which part of Europe you live. Take my coupon code for 10% off any order from that site: DVSX31. Before you order, enter code in space provided to enter a coupon code.

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