A fantastic month, primarly for my private life, and then for new friends in my collection. Although I was not planning a big purchase, I collected a lot of nail polishes this month. Some of them are gifts.
Krenula bih od dva Golden Rose Rich color laka (žuti, #48 i zeleni/petrolej #18), koje sam kupila u lokalnoj parfimeriji (140 rsd svaki). Jedan od njih će uskoro biti na blogu. Zaista čudno od mene što sam kupila žutaća, ali odlučila sam da im pružim šansu ovo leto.
Seche Vite brzosušeći nadlak kupujem drugi put, i ne planiram da ga menjam (izuzetna postojanost lakova i predivan efekat geliranih noktiju je ono što možete dobiti kupovinom ovog nadlaka). Kupljen je u Ušću, a njegova cena je 565 rsd (Aleksandar cosmetics prodajno mesto, treći sprat). Takođe, na istom mestu sam kupila sivo/ljubičasti China Glaze What A Pansy, po ceni od 445 rsd.
U Lilly sam obradovala sebe dugo traženim zelenim mint lakom Flormar #424, kao i Essence #179 Roller coaster i Essence Nail colour³ Boys are back in town.
Vrlo intenzivnu, jarku pink/koralnu nijansu Golden Rose Rich color #07 sam dobila na poklon od moje sestre.
Dve zanimljive i vrlo lepe Aura professional nijanse sam, takođe, dobila na poklon od drage J. U pitanju su ljubičasti Violete Coquette, kao i Scale Cocktail. Jedan od njih ću predstaviti na blogu vrlo uskoro.
Ostali su nepomenuti jedino Essence Show Your Feet lakovi za nokte, koje sam uspela da pronađem na sajtu Moje krpice.rs, vrlo povoljno. Među njima su lila #16 Miss lavender, boja jorgovana #01 The stiletto i #27 Electric blue.
I`ll start with two Golden Rose Rich color nail polishes (yellow, #48 and green/petroleum #18), which I bought at a locat cosmetics store for 140 serbian dinars each. One of them will soon be on the blog. Really weird of me to buy yellow nail polish, but I decided to give them a chance this summer.
Seche Vite fast-drying topcoat is my second time shopping choise, and I don`t plan to change it (exceptional durability of varnishes and beautiful gel effect is what you can get by purchasing this topcoat). I bought it in Ušće Belgrade shopping center, and its price is 565 serbian dinars. Also, in the same place I bought gray / purple China Glaze What A Pansy for 445 serbian dinars.
At Lilly drugstore I surprised myself with green(ish) mint Flormar # 424, Essence # 179 Roller coaster and Essence Nail Colour³ Boys are back in town.
Extremely intense, vibrant pink/coral shade Golden Rose Rich Color #07 I got as a gift from my sister.
Two interesting and very beautiful Aura professional shades I also received as a gift from dear J. These are Violete Coquette and Scale Cocktail. One of them will be presented on the blog very soon.
Essence Show Your Feet nail polishes I found on the site Moje krpice.rs, very convenient. Among them are lilac #16 Miss lavender, purple #01 The stiletto and #27 Electric Blue.
Jun mi je obeležila i selidba u nov stan, gde od sada živim sa dečkom, zbog čega sam posebno srećna i ispunjena. A, ovo je pogled na moju kolekciju, koja je trenutno smeštena ovako...

Jun mi je obeležila i selidba u nov stan, gde od sada živim sa dečkom, zbog čega sam posebno srećna i ispunjena. A, ovo je pogled na moju kolekciju, koja je trenutno smeštena ovako...
(u znaku plave boje)
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