After a long time I bought myself a blue nail polish & it`s just my cup of tea. I don`t have this kind of shade in my collection (generally, my collection is poor with blue ones) and turn it to devote a little more attention. Mesmerized is a shade that has a major flaw, and that is (not) photogenic, as evident by the swatches across the internet. However, I was bothered with capturing images.
Naime, lak je u prirodi dosta tamniji nego na fotografijama. Mnoge blogerke ga porede sa Essie Butler please, jer na fotografijama izgledaju gotovo identično, iako je Mesmerized par nijansi tamniji u prirodi. Takođe, u istom spektru je i Sally Hansen Pacific Blue, pa možete potražiti njega kao pristupačniju varijantu.
U pitanju je kremast lak, koji je gušći u odnosu na prethodne Essie lakove koje sam probala. Ipak, ne bih se složila da je formula čista krema, jer sam u par navrata uočila gelastu strukturu pri nanošenju, iako krema preovladava. Sasvim korektno i ravnomerno se nanosi. Gustina i pigmentovanost čine da se jednim slojem pokrije nokatna ploča vrlo uspešno, tako da drugi sloj praktično nije potreban. Takođe, nema visok sjaj, što mi se dopada. Suši se prosečnom brzinom. Na fotografijama imam dva sloja laka i nemam nadlak.
Essie lakovi poseduju 13.5 ml i dostupni su u Lilly drogerijama po stalnoj ceni od 899 dinara, mada su česta sniženja istih.
This nail polish is a lot darker in the nature than in the photos. Many bloggers compared it with Essie Butler please, because the photos look almost identical, although Mesmerized shade is darker in nature. Also, in the same range is Sally Hansen Pacific Blue, so you can search for it as an affordable option. This is a creamy nail polish, which is more intense than in previous Essie polishes that I tried. However, I agree that the formula is not pure cream, because I noticed a couple of times gelatinous structure during application, even though the cream is prevalent. It applies quite correctly and uniformly. Density & pigmentation make that a single layer covers nail plate very successful, so the second layer is practically not required. Also, there is a high gloss, which I like. It dries in average speed. The photographs I have are two coats of polish with no top coat.
Essie varnishes have 13.5 ml and are available in Lilly drugstores in Serbia at a fixed price of 899 serbian dinars, while they often lowering their price.

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