Čule ste za nove Sixteen cosmetics lakove? Ako niste, od sada ih možete kupiti u Lilly drogerijama vrlo pristupačno. Za testiranje sam odabrala #475, a pročitajte kako se pokazao.
Did you hear for Sixteen cosmetics nail polishes? If you don`t, now you can read my impressions after testing one of them, #475.
Ovi lakovi se pune u Grčkoj (tako je naznačeno na bočici), pa je kao poreklo etiketirano: EU. U pitanju je brzosušeći lak. Kremast, vrlo gust te se malo teže nanosi duž nokta jer četkica povlači lak, pa je na nekim mestima potrebna dorada nakon prvog sloja. Inače, suši se u roku od 2,3 minuta (oba sloja su se vrlo brzo osušila i nisam pravila dugačke pauze između slojeva). Pojavili su mi se mehurići na nekim mestima, ali mogu se lako zamaskirati nadlakom. Privlačan, letnji lak. Boja je pastelno zelena sa dosta belog podtona (ili, kako ja volim da kažem, "isprana boja zelene jabuke"). Uveče (u mraku) neonski svetli (što je vrlo neobična pojava). Odlično pristaje mom tenu (inače imam maslinasto zeleni podton kože i pastelni neonci mi savršeno stoje, iako ih ređe nosim). Preporučujem da probate neki Sixteen lak.
Možete ih kupiti u Lilly drogerijama po ceni od 230 rsd. Na fotografijama imam dva sloja laka i nemam nadlak, slikano na dnevnoj svetlosti.
Možete ih kupiti u Lilly drogerijama po ceni od 230 rsd. Na fotografijama imam dva sloja laka i nemam nadlak, slikano na dnevnoj svetlosti.
These varnishes are produced in Greece (as indicated on the bottle), and as the origin is labeled EU. It is a fast-drying nail varnish. Creamy, very thick and it`s a bit difficult to apply it because the brush pulls nail polish, and in some places is required more layering after finishing the first layer. Otherwise, dries within 2 to 3 minutes (both layers were dried quickly and I didn`t paused a long time between layers). The bubbles were created in some places, but topcoat can easily mask that. It`s nice summer nail polish. The color is pastel green with a lot of white undertone (or, as I like to say, "washed/pale apple green"). In the evening (in the dark) it has a neon shade (which is very unusual occurrence). It really fits my complexion (because I have an olive green skin undertone and pastel-neon polishes work perfect with my skin, but I rarely carry them on my nails). I recommend that you try some Sixteen cosmetics polishes.
Here in Serbia costs 230 serbian dinars. In the photographs I have two coats of polish and top coat, taken in daylight.
Here in Serbia costs 230 serbian dinars. In the photographs I have two coats of polish and top coat, taken in daylight.
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