U avgustu prošle godine dobila sam na poklon lak koji mi od tada stoji neisproban, pa sam rešila da sa njim prizovem malo toplije dane. Ako ništa, unela sam malo nebo plave boje među ove sive oblake.
In August last year I received as a gift a nail polish which stands untried since then, so I decided to go with it and recall a little warmer days. If anything, though I put a little bit of blue sky color among the gray clouds.
Kao što verovatno već znate, Aura Professional lakovi su srpskog porekla. Prvo testiranje ovih lakova je kod mene prošlo neslavno (klik!), te ih od tada nisam kupovala.
Ovaj put, jedina mana je tanka i sitna četkica, pa je aplikacija za nijansu otežana. Gust je i nije preterano pigmentovan, mnogo bolje izgleda nakon drugog sloja. Inače je jednoslojac i treba ga pažljivo nanositi jer četkica ume u par navrata da povuče lak. Suši se za nijansu duže, pa bi trebalo napraviti pauzu od 10-ak minuta između dva sloja.
In August last year I received as a gift a nail polish which stands untried since then, so I decided to go with it and recall a little warmer days. If anything, though I put a little bit of blue sky color among the gray clouds.
Kao što verovatno već znate, Aura Professional lakovi su srpskog porekla. Prvo testiranje ovih lakova je kod mene prošlo neslavno (klik!), te ih od tada nisam kupovala.
Ovaj put, jedina mana je tanka i sitna četkica, pa je aplikacija za nijansu otežana. Gust je i nije preterano pigmentovan, mnogo bolje izgleda nakon drugog sloja. Inače je jednoslojac i treba ga pažljivo nanositi jer četkica ume u par navrata da povuče lak. Suši se za nijansu duže, pa bi trebalo napraviti pauzu od 10-ak minuta između dva sloja.
Što se tiče same nijanse, smatram da je već viđena, ali i dalje interesantna. Već ste imali priliku da vidite dve slične nijanse na blogu, Kiko Light Misty Green (klik!) i Sephora Blah blah blah! (klik!). Ovog puta je svetlo plava po malo prigušena, ali i dalje privlačna. Formula je više kremasta, iako je zapravo miks gela i kreme.
Na fotografijama dva sloja laka bez nadlaka.
Aura Professional lakovi sadrže 5 ml i koštaju oko 230 rsd.
Aura Professional is serbian brand. The first test of these polishes was passed infamously on my blog (click!), and since then I have not purchased any of them.
This time, the only drawback is thin and small brush, so the application is a bit more difficult. It is a thick and not too pigmented, looks much better after the second layer. Otherwise, it is "one coat-er" and you should apply it carefully because the brush pulls polish on the several occasions. It dries a bit longer, so you should make a break of 10 minutes between the two layers.
I think this shade is already seen milion times before, but but it`s still interesting though. You already have had the opportunity to see two similar shades on my blog, Kiko Light Misty Green (click!) and Sephora Blah blah blah! (click!). This time, the blue polish is a little bit subdued, but still attractive. The formula is more creamy, although it`s a mix of gelly and cream.
On the photographs are two layers of polish without top coat.
Aura Professional varnishes containing 5 ml and cost about 230 serbian dinars.
Na fotografijama dva sloja laka bez nadlaka.
Aura Professional lakovi sadrže 5 ml i koštaju oko 230 rsd.
This time, the only drawback is thin and small brush, so the application is a bit more difficult. It is a thick and not too pigmented, looks much better after the second layer. Otherwise, it is "one coat-er" and you should apply it carefully because the brush pulls polish on the several occasions. It dries a bit longer, so you should make a break of 10 minutes between the two layers.
I think this shade is already seen milion times before, but but it`s still interesting though. You already have had the opportunity to see two similar shades on my blog, Kiko Light Misty Green (click!) and Sephora Blah blah blah! (click!). This time, the blue polish is a little bit subdued, but still attractive. The formula is more creamy, although it`s a mix of gelly and cream.
On the photographs are two layers of polish without top coat.
Aura Professional varnishes containing 5 ml and cost about 230 serbian dinars.
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