U paketu turskih lakova Classics - koje sam dobila od distributera u oktobru prošle godine - stigao je i jedan šljiva ljubičasti lak, koji je na prvi pogled postao moj miljenik.
I the PR package of turkish nail polishes Classics - which I received in October this year - arrived one plum purple nail polish, which became my favorite one at first sight.
Premium je, koliko sam upućena, novija kolekcija u okviru Classics lakova. Ovo su moji prvi Classics lakovi; samim tim, nisam imala ranija iskustva u vezi sa njima, tako da sam se radovala unapred njihovom testiranju. Drago mi je što je prvi utisak potpuno pozitivan.
Ovaj lak je izuzetnog kvaliteta, a s obzirom da sadrži čak 16 ml može vam trajati zaista dugo. Formila je interesantna, između gela i kreme, čiji miks čini i završnicu. Ukoliko želite pravu šljiva ljubičastu boju na noktima, sigurno želite da imate ovaj lak. Divno se nanosi i vrlo je dugotrajan.
Na fotografijama imam dva sloja laka bez nadlaka.
Premium is, as I know, recent collections within the Classics nail varnishes. These are my first Classics varnishes therefore I had no previous experience in relation to them, so I was looking forward to their testing. I am glad that the first impression is entirely positive.
This varnish is of exceptional quality, and considering that contains up to 16 ml can last really long. Formula is interesting, between gel and creamy, which makes the finish mix. If you want a real plum purple color on your nails, you certainly want to have this polish. It is wonderful during application and it`s long lasting.
On the photographs I have two coats of varnish without top coat.
This varnish is of exceptional quality, and considering that contains up to 16 ml can last really long. Formula is interesting, between gel and creamy, which makes the finish mix. If you want a real plum purple color on your nails, you certainly want to have this polish. It is wonderful during application and it`s long lasting.
On the photographs I have two coats of varnish without top coat.
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