Čini mi se kao da je prošla večnost od kad sam poslednji put nosila sivi lak. Jutjuberka Sonja (Sonia Caine) (klik!) me je u jednom od videa podsetila da testiram jednog Njujorčanina iz Sephora Party Color Hit seta.
It seems to me like it has passed an eternity since the last time I wore a gray nail polish. Youtuber Sonja (Sonia Caine) (click!) was my video reminder to test this New Yorker from the Sephora Party Color Hit set.
5th Avenue je srednje (ni previše tamna, ni previše svetla) "blato" siva, koja ima lepu sjajnu završnicu. Nisam očekivala od sivog laka da pokrije nakon prvog sloja, ali to čini vrlo uspešno. Formula je usklađen miks gela i kreme, sa više gelastom završnicom. Sa prvim slojem treba pripaziti, jer četkica može povući lak u par navrata ako se nanese velika količina laka odjednom.
Mislim da su dva tanka sloja sasvim dovoljna za lepu pokrivenost, iako se boja u bočici dostiže već nakon prvog sloja.
Fotografije su dva sloja laka bez nadlaka.
Lak sam dobila od Sephore, zajedno sa ostatkom gore pomenutog seta. Poseduju 5 ml i široku četkicu, a možete ih kupiti u svim Sephora parfimerijama po stalnoj ceni od 520 rsd.
5th Avenue is a medium (not too dark, not too light) "mud" gray polish, who has a nice shiny finish. I did not expected from a gray varnish to cover after the first layer, but it makes it very successfully. Formula is good mix of gel and cream, with more gelly finish. You should be careful with the first layer, because the brush can pull polish in a couple occasions if you apply large amount of polish at once.
I think that two layers are quiet enough for a nice coverage, even though the color in the bottle reaches after the first layer. Photos are two coats of polish, without top coat.
I got this polish from Sephora, along with the rest of the above mentioned set. Sephora nail polishes have a 5 ml and a broad brush, and you can buy them in all Sephora perfumeries at a fixed price of 520 serbian dinars.
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