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Showing posts from June, 2014

Blogofot #Jun `14

Fantastičan mesec, pre svega na privatnom planu, a onda i po pitanju novih drugara u mojoj kolekciji. Iako nisam planirala veliku kupovinu, prikupilo ih se dosta ovaj mesec. Neki od njih su pokloni. A fantastic month, primarly for my private life, and then for new friends in my collection. Although I was not planning a big purchase, I collected a lot of nail polishes this month. Some of them are gifts.

Recenzija/Review - Born Pretty 7pcs set midi rings (video)

Midi prstenje obožavam, ali nisam imala priliku da pronađem u prodaji neke po mom ukusu, sve do trenutka dok nisam ugledala ovaj set na sajtu Born Pretty Store ( klik! ). Takođe, ovo prstenje je trenutno veliki hit i kao svaki modni hit diktira više nego visoku cenu, bar je tako uvek slučaj kod nas (u H&M -u samo jedan prsten košta oko 500 rsd). Sa druge strane, na pomenutom sajtu set od 7 prstenja košta oko 2 dolara, što je vrlo povoljno. I really love midi rings, but I have not had a chance to find some on sale that will be my taste, until the moment when I saw this set online - Born Pretty Store ( click! ).  Also, these rings are currently a big trend and as every trendy fashion - dictates more than a high price, at least that`s always the case here in Serbia.  On the other hand, the above mentioned website set of 7 rings cost about $2, which is very convenient.

Essie Mesmerized

Nakon dužeg vremena sam kupila plavi lak, i to baš po mom ukusu. Ovakvu nijansu nemam u kolekciji (generalno mi je kolekcija siromašna što se tiče plave boje), te je red da joj posvetim malo više pažnje. Mesmerized  je nijansa koja ima veliku manu, a to je (ne)fotogeničnost, što potvrđuju i swatch-evi širom interneta. Kako god, potrudila sam se oko beleženja fotografija. After a long time I bought myself a blue nail polish & it`s just my cup of tea.  I don`t have this kind of shade in my collection (generally, my collection is poor with blue ones) and turn it to devote a little more attention.  Mesmerized is a shade that has a major flaw, and that is (not) photogenic, as evident by the swatches across the internet.  However, I was bothered with capturing images.

Lakiranje noktiju u vodi #2 | Water marble effect

Odlučila sam da vežbam lakiranje noktiju u vodi, jer se pravilnim uklapanjem i odabirom boja može dobiti zaista lep dizajn na noktima. Ovog puta koristila sam dve ljubičaste nijanse i jednu plavu iz paketa Deina lakova. Brojevi lakova i postupak izrade se vide u video tutorijalu ispod. Fotografije su zabeležene sa dva sloja nadlaka Golden Rose Gel look top coat. I decided to practice water marble a little bit, because with a proper fit of color shades it can be a really nice design on your nails.  This time I used two shades of purple and one of blue from the package of Deina varnish.  The numbers of varnishes and process of making this design can be seen in the video tutorial below. On the pics I have two layers of Golden Rose Gel look top coat.

Sally Hansen #350 Gray by Gray

Predstavljam vam jednu lepotu, inače prvi ulov sa sajta Moje ( klik! ). Čim sam ga ugledala znala sam da mora biti moj. Što je najzanimljivije uspela sam da ga kupim vrlo povoljno u paketu sa još jednim Rimmel LycraPro lakom, stoga sam jako srećna što je završio u mojim rukama. Što je boja neobičnija, to je veća verovatnoća da će mi se lak svideti. To je bio slučaj i sa  Gray by Gray. I represent you this beauty, which is my first catch from the site Moje ( click! ). As soon as I saw it I knew it must be mine. What is the most interesting, I managed to buy it very convenient bundled with another Rimmel LycraPro nail polish, so I`m very happy that he ended up in my hands. If nail polish color is unusual, it is more likely that it will be my taste. That was the case with Gray by Gray.

Hello, sailor! Born Pretty Store sailor water decals BPS015 review + video

Mornarski manikir je nešto što sam oduvek želela da imam na svojim noktima. Konačno, Born Pretty Store  mi je to omogućio, i bila sam beskrajno srećna dok sam nosila ove prelepe vodene nalepnice. Nalepnice sam osvojila u nagradnoj igri, na njihovom YouTube kanalu. Sailor's manicure is something I've always wanted to have on my nails.  Finally, Born Pretty Store made it possible, and I was really happy during this manicure & these adorable water decals.  These water decals I won in a contest on their YouTube channel.