Dugo je čekao svoje redove na ovom blogu, ali čuvala sam recenziju za lep i sunčan dan, kako bih ga prikazala u najboljem svetlu. U pitanju je mint zeleni lak, jedini pravi mint lak u Rich color kolekciji. Ljubiteljima Golden Rose lakova je već dobro poznat, a meni ostaje da potvrdim njegovu lepotu.
He waited a long time his place on this blog, but I kept a review for a beautiful and sunny day, in order to show you the best of this nail polish. It is a mint green polish, the only real mint polish from Rich color collection. Lovers of Golden Rose polishes are already know it well, but I have to confirm its beauty.
Jedan je od mojih miljenika iz Rich color kolekcije i sigurno će se ponovo naći u mojoj kolekciji nakon što bude potrošen. Mada, moram priznati da njegova formula nije najsavršenija. Pre svega, tu je ekstremna gustina laka, koja čini lak mnogo težim za pravilno odnosno srazmerno nanošenje duž nokta, bez obzira na to što je sam lak kremast.
Zbog gustine, četkica često povlači lak, što najviše problema stvara tokom nanošenja prvog sloja, jer ostaju mesta gde se nazire nokat. Ujedno, zbog toga je drugi sloj neophodan. Kao i svi Golden Rose Rich color lakovi ima pljosnatu četkicu srednje veličine. Sadrži vrlo sitan, na suncu svetlucavi šimer koji razbija jednostavnost ovog laka.
Suši se izuzetno brzo tako da nije potrebno dugo pauzirati između dva sloja. Da biste mu dodali dubinu, nanesite sloj nadlaka. Fotografije (osim poslednje tri) su dva sloja laka, dnevno svetlo, bez nadlaka. Poslednje tri fotografije su zabeležene na direktnom suncu.
One of my favorite nail polishes from Rich color collection, which I`ll buy againt after I spent it. Although, I must admit that his formula is not the most perfect. First of all, there is the extreme density of this nail polish, which makes more difficult to apply it properly and proportionately down the nail plate, regardless of the fact that polish formula is creamy.
Because of the density, brush often pulls nail polish, which makes the most of the problems during application of the first layer. The second layer is necessary. Like all Golden Rose Rich color varnishes it has a flat brush of medium size. It contains a very small shimmer which sparks in the sun and it breaks the simplicity of this polish. It dries very quickly so it didn`t take long to pause between the two layers. To add it`s depth, apply a layer of top coat. Photos *except the last three, are two layers of polish, natural light, without top coat. The last three photos are recorded in direct sunlight.
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