Lately my nails became yellowish, so I had to do something to prevent that. Instead of buying intended nail care treatment, I decided to do a home recipe. First, I researched which kitchen goodies can help in preventing yellowing nails and I applied it in the tutorial below.
Primetićete da su sirćetna kiselina, limun, soda, so i mlaka voda glavni sastojci. Obratite pažnju na posudu, ona mora biti duboka jer će soda peniti i podići nivo tečnosti.
Da budem iskrena, efekat nije onakav kakav sam očekivala, ali su nokti svakako sve manje žuti nakon ponavljanja ovog tretmana. Trebalo bi ga raditi na svakih nedelju dana u početku, a kada primetite rezultate biće dovoljno da ga ponovite jednom mesečno. Ako pokušate, obavezno javite utiske i rezultate u komentarima ispod članka.
You will note that the acetic acid, lemon, soda, salt and lukewarm water are main ingredients. Pay attention to the container, it must be deep because the soda will raise the level of the liquid.
To be honest, the effect is not what I expected, but the nails are definitely less yellow after repeating this treatment. You should do it every week in the beginning, and when you see the results will be enough to repeat it once a month. If you try, be sure to let the impressions and results in the comments below the article.
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